Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
CRO MAGS, EUROPA CLUB, greenpoint, brooklyn, 3/29/2009
Last night the CRO MAGS played here in my neighborhood and my friend John Joseph (the singer) invited me to stop by ... of course, concert kicked ass, I didn't expect anything less than that - buuuuut, I had a string of bad luck. Five minutes into the concert, someone kicked my on-camera flash and broke the mounting foot, so my big camera became useless due to extremely low light. Then I started using my point and shoot, that was ok for a while, but then my battery died. I was changing the battery in the middle of the crowd when some stage diver landed on top of me, so I dropped the battery and the battery cover ---- thank God I always have a little flashlight on my keychain, so after 20 minutes of searching I found the cover ..... so yep, I had good 15 minutes of shooting alltogether.
here are Mackey, the drummer and John Joseph Bloodclot before the concert

here are some concert shots

here are Mackey, the drummer and John Joseph Bloodclot before the concert

here are some concert shots

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
popular photography 1998
a friend emailed me this recently, from Popular Photography magazine published back in 1998 ... at the time I was living in Belgrade and entered some prints to a contest, and this one, from the Belgrade protest in 1996, was awarded PHOTO OF THE MONTH, and I got 300 dollars - which was HUGE for me at the time. It's a photo of my friend Djordje doing the Serbian Orthodox hand sign behind the police cordon.

(BOOGIE = BUGI in Serbian)
(BOOGIE = BUGI in Serbian)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
coming soon to a neighborhood near you
this is what police used to do in Belgrade in the 90s
I remember running from these pigs a couple of times, it felt like being charged by a cavalry. Holly shit, they were beating people mercilessly...
And then the bad government falls, and you hope the next one will be better, but the first thing they do is buy better RIOT GEAR ... and the cycle continues.

... in Naples (Napoli) they say

I remember running from these pigs a couple of times, it felt like being charged by a cavalry. Holly shit, they were beating people mercilessly...
And then the bad government falls, and you hope the next one will be better, but the first thing they do is buy better RIOT GEAR ... and the cycle continues.

... in Naples (Napoli) they say